ICLM: Discover, teach, treatI.C. Learning & Memory

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Carrie Bearden

Carrie Bearden's lab uses genomic approaches and imaging technologies to study genetic, cognitive and neurobiological risk factors for the development of child- and adolescent-onset neuropsychiatric disorders. The laboratory includes two complementary lines of research: 1) The investigation of intermediate cognitive, neuroanatomic and temperament traits associated with the development of psychosis and /or mood disorder; and 2) The study of neurobehavioral manifestations of syndromes, such as neurofibromatosis type I, with an identified genetic origin.

Recent Publications

Jalbrzikowski, M. and C.E. Bearden, Clinical and genetic high-risk paradigms: converging paths to psychosis meet in the temporal lobes. Biological psychiatry, 2011. 69(10): p. 910-1.

Bearden, C.E., V.H. Shih, M.F. Green, M. Gitlin, K.N. Sokolski, E. Levander, S. Marusak, C. Hammen, C.A. Sugar, and L.L. Altshuler, The impact of neurocognitive impairment on occupational recovery of clinically stable patients with bipolar disorder: a prospective study. Bipolar disorders, 2011. 13(4): p. 323-33.

Bearden, C.E., T.G. van Erp, R.A. Dutton, C. Boyle, S. Madsen, E. Luders, T. Kieseppa, A. Tuulio-Henriksson, M. Huttunen, T. Partonen, J. Kaprio, J. Lonnqvist, P.M. Thompson, and T.D. Cannon, Mapping corpus callosum morphology in twin pairs discordant for bipolar disorder. Cerebral cortex, 2011. 21(10): p. 2415-24.

Bearden, C.E., K.N. Wu, R. Caplan, and T.D. Cannon, Thought disorder and communication deviance as predictors of outcome in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011. 50(7): p. 669-80.

Bachman, P., T.A. Niendam, M. Jalbrzikowkski, C.Y. Park, M. Daley, T.D. Cannon, and C.E. Bearden, Processing Speed and Neurodevelopment in Adolescent-Onset Psychosis: Cognitive Slowing Predicts Social Function. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 2011.